Bronsun Milk Cream Developer 3%


The Milk Cream Developer 3% by Bronsun is an expertly crafted oxidant, formulated to deliver the most dependable results when used with Bronsun's Lash and Brow Dye Tints. The velvety texture creates the ideal consistency for tinting eyebrows and eyelashes with confidence. This developer is easy to use, ensuring you have a professional finish with every use. The creamy and gentle formula facilitates for a gentle and nourishing experience, preserving the health of the delicate lash and brow hairs. 

The Milk Developer is to be used ONLY with Bronsun Gel Tints and Bronsun Cream Dye, in the ratio of 1:1; equal parts of the dye and developer.

** Pro Tip: When first opening a new bottle of developer - let it airate ( remove the lid and let it breathe for 20 mins unopened). Store product upside down for product to move towards the top of the nozzle.

Product Size: 20 ml

Usage: 50 treatments 

Shelf Life: 12M Opened

Ingredients: Water, Hydrogen Peroxide, Cetearyl Alcohol, Ceteareth, Phosphoric Acid, Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate, Sodium Stannate

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